This is a $250.00 DEPOSIT for the BACK-ORDER of an Infiray AGM Evolver LRF 1280 2.5-20x Thermal Rifle Scope. The full price of the rifle scope is $6995.00.
*Please note: Deposits are non-refundable but upon approval may be switched to another thermal or night vision monocular or scope. Deposit cannot be applied to accessories.
The NEW Evolver LRF 1280 brings a new flagship in image quality to the AGM brand. Unlike its close cousin, the new AdderV2 1280, the Evolver packs a 1280x1024 thermal sensor into a similar housing as the compact RattlerV2’s, but its now paired with a massive new 65mm lens, which helps to guarantee it will be one of the best images that AGM has ever produced. It also helps to raise the base magnification to a perfectly flexible 2.5X, which offers a wide enough field of view for shorter range hog hunting, as well as longer range predator hunting. One quick press of the magnification button essentially converts the unit into a 640 resolution comparable at 5X, which predator hunters will love. This was made possible by incorporating the highest resolution display that we’ve ever used, coming in at an incredible 2560x2560 pixel density.
These factors work together to invoke a 3,250 m detection range, which is longer than the vast majority of hunting properties will even be capable of. The new Evolver LRF 1280 brings full circle a project that started with the brand 5 years ago, and overnight, makes AGM one of the most capable thermal image producers on the planet.
We are a Texan owned and operated company. We are based in the oldest town in Texas and we pride ourselves on our Southern hospitality and customer service. We look forward to helping you with all of your night vision purchases and answering your questions before and after the sale.
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